We came into being as iSPIRT – the Indian Software Product Industry Roundtable – in early 2013 because we believe in the cause of the Indian Software Product Industry. We believe that with focus, investment and indeed encouragement, the software product industry can become a multi-billion dollar force to reckon with.


There have been efforts to cultivate India’s software industry, thereby transform the economy, through IT industry trade association National Association of Software and Service Companies (Nasscom). Nasscom’s product conclave for example promotes product entrepreneurship to build innovative software solutions.

However, more than a series of marketing events is required to make India a tech ProductNation. To transform India into a hub for new generation software products, it is crucial to address government policy, create market catalysts, and nurture product entrepreneurs to maturity. An integrative approach is fundamental and vital.

This is why starting 2009 people like Sharad Sharma, a former chair at NASSCOM Product Forum; Vishnu Dusad, Managing Director (MD) of Nucleus Software; Bharat Goenka, Co-founder and MD of Tally Solutions, and Avinash Raghava, former Accel executive came together to form iSPIRT.

Later about 30 product companies and individuals joined hands together to form the iSPIRT Foundation – the Indian Software Product Industry Roundtable in early 2013 as non profit thinktank. 

The stated purpose of iSPIRT is to focus on using technology to solve difficult, long term problems such as universal access to financial and health services. iSPIRT does this by collaborating with select tech companies, financial institutions, healthcare providers, and government agencies to build digital public infrastructure that can then be used by the wider industry of entrepreneurs, tech companies, financial institutions, and healthcare providers to build their product on top of this very digital public infrastructure to serve more and more people across the country.


  • Introduction to Software Product Industry and iSPIRT

This presentation gives an overview of how Software Products Industry has evolved and the role of iSPIRT in making India a product nation. Read More…


  • 2017 iSPIRT Annual Letter

What animates us? Why do we do what we do? What sets us apart? Why are we a force for good? These are some questions that we tackle in this Annual Letter.
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  • 2016 iSPIRT Annual Letters

Silicon Valley innovated for the 1st billion. India will innovate for the next 6 billion. And iSPIRT is here to help enable that.
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  • 2015 Home Tour

Home Tour Intro

Home Tour of the Market Catalyst Pillar

Home Tour of the Policy Pillar

Home Tour of the Playbook Pillar

  • Annual letter 2014: “Software Products will transform India at Large”

This is our first annual letter. Just as in this message, we will continue to share in a frank way what our goals are and where progress is being made and where it is not.
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